Pliant language and FullPliant operating system web site
2024-04-10: As Pliant project turns 25, Pliant release 118 has been published. It's been a long time since Pliant last release, but the project never stopped, so there are quite a lot of fixes and improvements all over the code. Among the main changes, we find: FullPliant operating system install tool can now install a full Linux Debian system (1). FullPliant operating system can now run Debian has a KVM virtual computer over Bubblewrap (best security) or a Pliant logical computer (direct hardware access). Pliant HTTP proxy now provides easy U2F interface (Yubikey, Android phone biometric sensor, etc). Pliant DNS server now provides DoT (DNS over TLS), and the ability to automatically and temporary switch to the secondary web server when the main one is unreachable. Pliant crypto layer can now automatically update it's tables, as an example when a server IP address changes, and automatically and temporary switch to the secondary server when the main one is unreachable. The Pliant audio subsystem has been reframed. Many small other changes (diff is roughly 30000 lines)
(1) You fill a single install form, then get a ready system, instead of having to answer questions all along as with Debian install tool. You can also script it very easily. Install tool can also handle Raspberry pi and Pinebook pro without the need to start from a prebuilt disk image.
2020-10-13: Pliant release 117 published. Contains a native implementation of ACME v2 protocol (ACME protocol enables to automatically renew HTTPS certificates from Let's Encrypt). Bug fixes for OSX 64 bits mode. FullPliant operating system install code cleanup. Dump files now check and are automatically ignored instead of crashing in case of address space randomization.
2020-5-22: Pliant release 116 published. Much improved HTTP proxy, with cleaner code, but now supporting only modern browsers : better styling, upload, download, paragraph editing, images update, tab browsing. Reworked run.pli script for auto-detecting various available services. Anti-aliasing is now always on for the UI client, not only for fonts but also for vector drawings, thanks to a second, faster, algorithm. Enhanced Dashboard for FullPliant operating system. Many small other changes (diff is roughly 10000 lines)
2020-5-19: Some aphorisms by Hubert Tonneau, freely inspired by a few key points in 'Du capital à la raison' book. In french.
Here is just one, translated for your, english only geeks : The foreman used to have a whip, now he has a spreadsheet.
2019-9-30: 'Du capital à la raison' book published (same author as Pliant, very different subject). Capitalism will soon bring us more catastrophies, the raise of populists beeing the warning sign of. It's unability to handle ecological constrain beyond nice words is even more obvious. This book exposes an alternative, which is neither socialism, nor good citizens based. Just as Pliant language, this book is for the guys who read the content rather than assuming that quality matches popularity, and expect to read something serious that is not just a nicely packaged variation of what they have already read quite some time ... and can read french.
2019-6-29: Pliant release 115 published. Main change is the inclusion of an ARM64 code generator (Pliant can now run on Armbian 64 bits, and a board such as Odroid C2 can be switched to run FullPliant operating system). Added a backward protocol to enable accessing a Pliant computers behind NAT. Added a standard way to reuse the same TCP connection when using a Pliant PML encoded protocol such as remote function call or remote file access. See 'recycle' option in /pliant/util/pml/channel.pli Many small others (diff is rougly 20000 lines)
▸ Pliant language overview Explains the kind of compromises programming languages are all about. Interesting to read even if you don't plan to use Pliant as a programming language.
Other web sites dealing with Pliant programming language
This is Pliant third generation web site.
↣ Pliant second generation web site All articles should now have been transfered to this site, but there might have been glitches, so the previous site is still available.